How to Deal With Mosquito Bites on Dogs – Do you live in an area where the weather is consistently humid, and your dog spends a lot of time outdoors? Then you’ve got mosquito problems! Mosquitoes love warm, damp environments, and they’ll also go to great lengths to get into them.
As such, if your dog spends a lot of time outside or comes into contact with a mosquito-infested patch of lawn or forest, he’ll be at risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes.
A single mosquito bite can result in broken capillaries and redness at the site of the bite — yuck! But don’t worry, there are so many things you can do to keep these pesky little bloodsuckers from bothering your dog. Here’s our comprehensive guide on how to deal with mosquito bites on dogs.
What are Mosquito bites on dogs?

Mosquito bites are often confused with fleas. In fact, a flea bite looks a little bit like a mosquito bite, but they’re not the same thing. Mosquito bites on dogs are small, itchy bites that are often found on your dog’s legs and paws. Mosquitoes tend to bite in clusters, which is why you’ll often notice a group of bites in a specific area.
Fleas are small flies that feed on the blood of mammals. They can infest the fur of dogs and cats, humans, and other animals. Common flea symptoms include red, itchy bumps around the neck, ears, belly, and tail regions.
Fleas live on the fur of their hosts and feed on their blood. When a dog or cat is infested with fleas, the fleas can then go on to bite humans or other animals, spreading the pesky critters even further. Fleas can cause some serious health problems for your dog, including allergic reactions, ear infections, and even heart disease.
Symptoms of Mosquito Bites on Dogs
Mosquito bites on dogs look like small, red bumps or blisters. The bite itself will be slightly raised from the skin and may be accompanied by swelling or itching. Some people confuse these small bumps with bed bug bites, but they’re not the same thing at all.
A bed bug bite is usually flat and red with an indentation in the middle — typically found on the backside of your dog’s legs or torso — while a mosquito bite is raised above the skin and will be surrounded by redness.
Bed bugs also cause intense itching after feeding, whereas mosquitoes don’t cause any itching at all (their saliva has anesthetic properties). If your dog seems to be scratching excessively after being bitten by a mosquito, then it’s likely that he’s suffering from fleas instead — read our guide to dealing with fleas on dogs for more information!
How do you treat Mosquito Bites on Dogs?
Mosquito bites can be annoying for both you and your dog! To keep them from further irritating you or your pup, follow these tips:
Apply an anti-itch cream or spray
While it’s not necessary to apply anything to the bite itself, you can help relieve itching and discomfort by applying an ointment or spray with anti-itch properties. You can find these products in your local pet store, or you can make your own by combining a half cup of aloe vera gel with a quarter cup of witch hazel. Apply the mixture to the bite area once per day until the itching stops.
Apply topical flea medication
If your dog is also suffering from fleas, then it’s likely that he has developed some kind of allergic reaction to them. Topical flea treatments like Advantage (imidacloprid + moxidectin) are available over-the-counter at most pet stores and are safe for dogs of all ages and breeds. They’ll not only kill existing fleas on your dog, but they’ll prevent future ones from hatching as well!
Apply an antiseptic ointment or spray after each bath
Bathing will help remove any dead mosquitoes from your dog’s coat, but it will also wash off any medicine that you’ve applied to his skin as well. To keep his skin clean and free from infection, apply an antiseptic spray (like chlorhexidine) or ointment (like Neosporin ) after each bath until he no longer shows signs of irritation around his bites.
Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away From Dogs
- Keep your dog out of the midday sun, and in the shade between 11am and 3pm. The sun is extremely hot during these hours, and it’s the only time of day when the dog is most likely to come into contact with it.
- Bathe your dog only when he’s feeling clean. Keep his fur short and clean any mud, sand, or other debris from his fur.
- Spray your yard with a mosquito repellent. Citronella oils are especially effective at repelling mosquitoes.
- Install screened dog doors to keep your dog inside during the hottest part of the day.
- Use a mosquito net for your dog to sleep under at night. – Find a good dog behaviorist and ask for guidance on how to keep your dog away from mosquitoes.
How to Stop an Itchy Dog After a Mosquito Bite
If your dog has a mosquito-borne bacterial infection like fleas, or an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite, you’ll want to know how to stop an itchy dog after a mosquito bite.
- Keep your dog hydrated with fresh water at all times. If the itching is intense, you can also add a bit of apple cider vinegar or honey to the water. Stir well before serving.
- Apply anti-itch creams or ointments to your dog’s itching spots. You can buy these creams over the counter or add them to your dog’s food.
- Apply baking soda to your dog’s paws, which can help balance the pH levels in your dog’s skin, reducing the severity of an allergic reaction to the bite.
- If your dog is itching, give him a soothing massage to relax him.
- Prevent your dog from scratching.
- If your dog has a severe case of itching and is scratching herself raw, consult a veterinarian.
Conclusion: Mosquito Bites on Dogs
We’ve discussed how to keep mosquitoes away from your dog and what you can do to relieve itching caused by a mosquito bite. We’ve also shared some tips on how to stop an itchy dog after a mosquito bite. Now that you know what you need to do, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. If your dog is frequently outside and is at risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes, you’ll want to be prepared to deal with the problem. You can prevent your dog from getting bitten by mosquitoes by keeping him out of the midday sun and away from damp patches of ground. You can also prevent him from getting bitten by spraying your yard with an effective mosquito repellent, and using a mosquito net for your dog to sleep in at night.
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