Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?

Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me? Worms are one of the most common pet-borne diseases, and there are many ways to get them. You can catch the disease from your cat or dog by ingesting feces. If you have an infested room where cats and dogs spend a lot of time, it’s possible that both of these pets have contracted the parasite.

If you find yourself in this predicament, chances are you have some help on your side.

Many pet owners find it helpful to educate their cat about what they’re doing and how it could get infected with the worm. It’s also a great way to get them to stop eating flies before getting rid of their own feces.

Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?

Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?
Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?

In most cases, no. However, if your cat has roundworms, you are more susceptible to contracting roundworms from the stools of your cat. Roundworms are the most common type of worms in cats and can be found anywhere in the world. Roundworms are transmitted through the ingestion of infected feces.

If your cat has roundworms, they will shed eggs in their feces, which can then be ingested by you. People with roundworms may experience itching and irritation in the mucus membranes of the eyes, inside of the ears, and in their nose.

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In rare cases, roundworms can be contracted by humans through cuts or sores in the skin, which means that it is possible for your cat to infect you. If you suspect that you have roundworms, see a doctor immediately. Roundworms can lead to serious health complications, including blindness and paralysis.

What Are the Symptoms of Worms in Cats?

If your cat has worms, there are a number of symptoms that you may notice. Some of the most common include:

An increase in appetite – If your cat has worms, they may eat more than usual. This is because worms are living organisms that need food to survive.

Abnormal feces – If your cat has worms, they may pass red, black, or sticky feces. This is because worms consume the food that your cat eats. Worms also create waste products, which get passed in the feces.

A lethargic and sleepy cat – Worms can cause a cat to become lethargic due to an increase in appetite and the fact that worms consume the food that your cat eats.

Loss of appetite – Like an increase in appetite, a loss of appetite could be caused by worms. This is because worms can damage the intestinal lining and cause abdominal pain. This pain can cause your cat to lose their appetite.

How to Know for Sure if Your Cat Has Worms

The first thing to do is to keep an eye on your cat’s behavior and look for any of the symptoms listed above. There are a few tests that your veterinarian may recommend to determine whether your cat has worms.

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Some of these tests include:

Stool test – Your veterinarian may recommend a fecal sample to determine whether your cat has worms. If your cat has worms, the sample will contain eggs. Blood test – A blood test can be used to identify the type of worms that are in your cat. This test can identify different types of worms, including roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

Treatment Options for Worms in Cats

If your cat has worms, there are several treatment options that you can explore. Most of the time, worms will go away on their own. In rare cases, though, they may cause long-term damage, especially in kittens.

Some of the treatment options for worms include:

Deworming medication – Deworming medications are available over the counter and can treat roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

Fecal transplant – This is a surgical procedure that involves taking a small sample of poop from a healthy person and transplanting it into the intestines of the person with worms.

Antibiotics – If your cat has a severe infection, your veterinarian may recommend antibiotics.

How to Prevent Worms in Cats

There are many ways to prevent worms in cats. Keep in mind that not all of these preventative measures will kill worms. They will, however, stop new worms from entering your cat’s system.

Some ways to prevent worms in cats include:

Worming your cat – Make sure that you are using a deworming medication appropriate for cats.

Keeping your cat indoors – You can prevent your cat from picking up worms by keeping them indoors.

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Keeping your cat’s litter box clean – It can be easy to forget that cats need to be cleaned out as well. Make sure the litter box is cleaned out daily and that it doesn’t have any feces in it.

Conclusion: Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?

Worms are a common occurrence in cats and dogs. While it is possible for you to get worms from your cat, it is also possible for your cat to get worms from you. In most cases, though, it is best to keep an eye on your pet’s behavior. If they are exhibiting any of the signs of worms, make sure to visit your veterinarian. You can prevent worms in cats by keeping the litter box clean and keeping your cat indoors.

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