Why Do Cats Meow? The Answer Might Surprise You

Why Do Cats Meow? Have you ever wondered why cats meow? We often think of cats as independent, aloof, even arrogant, but the feline’s most well-known vocalization might surprise you. Sure, sometimes it seems like your cat may be trying to tell you something—but what?

In fact, they’re communicating with you all the time! Whether they’re asking you to let them in or out or if they’re hungry or thirsty, most of their meows have one thing in common—they want something from you. So how do you know what your cat wants?

Why Do Cats Meow?

Cats meow for many reasons, but the main reason is to communicate with people. Adult cats don’t meow at each other, just at people.

So if your cat meows at you for no reason, she’s probably trying to tell you something. Here are a few things your cat might be trying to say:

  1. I’m hungry.
  2. I need attention.
  3. I want to play.
  4. Let’s cuddle.
  5. I want some lovin’.
  6. Will you let me outside?

What Are Common Causes of Excessive Mewing in Cats?

Why Do Cats Meow?
Why Do Cats Meow?

One reason your cat might be meowing more than usual is that she’s hungry. If you’ve recently changed her food or feeding schedule, she may be meowing to let you know she’s still adjusting.

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Another common cause of excessive meowing is illness, so if your cat is meowing more than normal, it’s always best to check with your vet just to be sure. The following are other reasons of why cats meow:

Older cats

As they age, cats, like people, can have cognitive impairment or a sort of mental disorientation. They lose their bearings and frequently sob helplessly, especially at night.

If your cat experiences nighttime disorientation, a nightlight may occasionally be helpful. Veterinarians can also frequently recommend drugs that alleviate these symptoms.

Cats that wish to mate

You’ll hear a lot more noise if your cat isn’t spayed or neutered. Males yowl when they scent a female in heat, and females yowl when they are in heat.

Both can be difficult to deal with. This may be avoided by having your pet spayed or neutered.

They are Isolated and Lonely

Why Do Cats Meow?
Why Do Cats Meow?

Consider hiring a pet sitter if your pet spends too much time alone during the day to improve their quality of life. Place a bird feeder at a window where they can see it.

Food-filled foraging toys should be left outside. Purchase a cat condo for them, and alternate the toys you leave out for them to play with.

An Anxious Cat

Stressed-out cats frequently become more noisy. Your cat may start talking if there is a new pet or child, a move or other changes to the house, an illness, or the death of a loved one.

Find out what is worrying your pet, then assist them get used to the change. Give your cat additional attention to help them feel better if that isn’t an option.

Seeking Out Attention

Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t spend a lot of time alone. Cats frequently meow to want play, attention, or to start a conversation. Stop responding when attention-seeking meows occur if you wish to reduce their frequency.

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When they are silent, only pay them attention. If they begin to meow once again, ignore them or turn away.

Don’t disregard your pet though. Spend time with them each day, playing, grooming, and conversing with them. A worn-out animal is a calmer animal.

Appreciating you

Many cats will meow when their owners arrive home or even when they simply enter the household. Although it’s hard to eliminate the behavior, consider it the cat’s way of expressing happiness.

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Hungry and Wants to Eat

In an effort to acquire a meal, some cats meow whenever someone enters the kitchen. Additionally, many cats become quite loud as their eating times approach.

If this is your issue, avoid feeding your cat while it meows. Don’t feed them until they are calm and avoid giving them rewards while they meow.

Purchase an automated feeder that opens at predetermined intervals if this doesn’t work. Cat will now meow at the feeder instead of you.


A comprehensive examination by your veterinarian is the first step. Many illnesses can make a cat hungry, thirsty, or in discomfort, all of which might result in overeager meowing.

Additionally, cats are able to develop kidney or an overactive thyroid, both of which can cause them to vocalize excessively.

To Request Entrance or Exit

The cat’s main method of communicating with you is by meowing. She will most likely learn to meow at the door if she wants to go outdoors. She will also meow to be invited back inside if she is outside and wants to be.

You could be in for a time of nonstop meowing at doors and windows if you’re trying to move a cat from an indoor-outdoor lifestyle to one that is entirely indoors. This is a challenging adjustment for a cat, so it probably won’t quit meowing for weeks or even months.

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What Are the Different Types of Cat Meows?

Why Do Cats Meow?
Why Do Cats Meow?

There are many different types of cat meows, and each one has a different meaning. For example, a short, sharp meow may be a demand for food, while a long, drawn-out meow may be a sign of boredom or frustration.

Meowing can also be a way for cats to show affection or to get attention. In fact, some experts believe that cats meow at us because they’ve learned that we respond to it.

So next time your cat meows at you for no reason, think about what she might be trying to say!

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How to Interpret Your Pet’s Meanings Behind Their Feline Language

While we may never know exactly why our cats meow at us, there are some things we can do to interpret their meaning. If your cat meows when you enter the room, they may be greeting you.

If they meow and follow you around, they may be hungry or want your attention. And if they meow loudly or persistently, they may be trying to tell you something is wrong.

Can You Teach a Cat Not to Meow Too Much?

While you can’t stop a cat from meowing altogether, you can certainly train her to meow less. Start by paying attention to when she meows and what she wants. If she’s hungry, feed her.

If she wants to go outside, let her out. Once she starts to understand that you’re giving her what she wants when she meows, she’ll start to do it less. You can also try ignore her when she meows excessively and rewarding her when she’s quiet.

How Can I Respond if My Cat Won’t Stop Meowing at me?

If your cat is meowing excessively, it’s important to figure out why. It could be a sign of an underlying health condition, or she may simply be trying to get your attention.

If you think there may be a medical reason for the meowing, take your cat to the vet. If the excessive meowing appears to be behavioral, try these tips.

Why Do Cats Meow?

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