Why Does My Cat Bite Me? If you own a cat, you probably know that they tend to love biting other animals. It’s not uncommon for them to bite their owners on occasion as well. While it may seem like your cat enjoys biting you, there are many reasons why your feline friend might be inclined to take a small nip every now and again.
A cat bites for various reasons – it could be a sign of aggression or fear, a way to mark you as their territory, or simply because they enjoy the feeling it gives them. Read on for more information about why cats bite and how you can stop it from happening again.
Why Does My Cat Bite Me?
The reason your cat may be inclined to bit you is often mysterious. Most of the time, it’s because they are trying to be aggressive or spiteful. Over the years, they may have come to associate you with negative attributes such as aggressive tendencies, a habit they’ll stop trying to start if you start flirting with them or making Compliments.
They may also find it harder to get a high-five or a pat on the back when you’re around other animals. Biting may also occur when a cat is trying to get a coveted possession that you have – a pet hamster, for example, may accidentally bite you on the hand while trying to grab its collar.
What Causes Biting in Cats?
Many of the reasons your cat can bite you are related to stress. Over the long term, a high cortisol level in your body can cause them to want to get your skin in the air – this is why you’ll often feel jittery and jiggly when you’re stressed.
A number of specific factors have been linked to the likelihood of taking a bite from a particular cat: breed, temperament, health, previous history of aggression, the type of cat you own, and the number of times you’ve been bitten in the same location on the same day. The following are detailed causes of biting in cat:
1. Aggression:
Aggressive cats will bite you if they feel threatened. This is most likely to happen when you’re trying to handle them, but it can also occur if you’re playing with them too roughly, or when they’re in pain.
2. Fear:
Cats that are fearful are more likely to bite than those who aren’t scared of anything.
3. Territoriality:
A cat that feels defensive of its territory may bite a stranger who enters their home without permission.
4. Object Possession:
Cats may bite when they want something from you – such as food, attention, or affection – and don’t feel like asking for it nicely.
5. Pain:
If your cat is in pain, she may bite you because she associates you with the source of her discomfort (such as a trip to the veterinarian).
6. Pruritis (itchiness):
If your cat has allergies or an infection, she may scratch herself so much that she develops an open wound – and then lick it raw and start biting herself instead of scratching at the source of her discomfort.
7. Over-grooming:
When cats overgroom themselves, they can develop painful sores on their skin – which can cause them to start biting themselves out of desperation instead of chewing on the source of their irritation (their own fur).
8. Boredom/Stress/Frustration:
Cats who are bored or stressed may try to take out their frustration on you.
9. Attention-Seeking Behavior:
Cats may bite out of frustration if they don’t get the attention they want or need from you.
10. Pain or Injury:
If your cat is in pain or injured, she may bite you out of frustration at being unable to communicate her discomfort to you.
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Are Cat Bites Dangerous?

Cat bites can cause infection, and they can also transmit diseases from one cat to another. Cat bites are more dangerous than dog bites because cats’ mouths are much smaller – so their teeth penetrate deeper into your skin. In fact, cat bites are more prone to infection than dog bites because the bacteria in a cat’s mouth is different from the bacteria in a dog’s mouth.
I’ve been bitten by my cat before – and it was pretty painful! I know some people who have gotten infected by their cats’ bites – but most of the time, you just need to clean and disinfect your wound (and then get a tetanus shot if you’re not up-to-date on your shots).
If you’re worried about getting an infection or contracting an illness from your cat’s bite, you may want to take him in for a checkup at the vet. (And don’t forget that he may need antibiotics or other treatment.) You should also talk to your vet if you notice signs of infection (such as redness, pain, swelling or pus) after being bitten by your kitty.
How Should I React If My Cat Bites Me?
If your cat has never bitten you before, she may be feeling anxious or fearful when she does it for the first time – especially if she’s biting out of fear instead of aggression.
If this is the case with your kitty, try taking her in for an exam at the vet to rule out any medical issues. (She may have an abscessed tooth or a gum infection, for example.)
If your cat is biting out of aggression, you need to make sure that you don’t encourage her behavior by playing rough with her. This will only make the behavior worse.
The best thing to do is to stop playing with your cat for a little while – and give her some time away from the other pets in the house.
If she bites you when she’s afraid, try giving her some reassurance and petting her gently – but be sure not to pull away suddenly or yell at her. When she’s calm again, try playing with her again – but be gentle and give her lots of praise if you’re able to get through the play-session without any biting.
How Should I React If My Cat Bites Someone Else?
If your cat bites someone else, it’s important that you don’t reprimand them or punish them in any way – even if they’re a child who doesn’t understand that they should be gentle with animals.
You should also refrain from telling them (or anyone else) that they “deserved it” because they weren’t being careful around your kitty.
Instead, ask them not to pet your cat for a little while – and then watch how he reacts when he realizes that he can no longer get attention from them by biting them. He may act even more aggressively until he realizes that there’s no reward for his aggression anymore!
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How to Stop a Cat From Biting
The first step towards stopping a biting cat from ever happening again is for you to end the cycle. If you’re still feeling jittery or jiggly after a bite, it could be that you haven’t been enough exercise for your cat – it may be that you’ve been biting too hard or that your cat isn’t getting enough exercise.
To stop a biting cat from ever attacking you again, it needs to get at least one and probably more than that. A good way to get your cat to come to you is to give it treats and then watch as it makes the most of them.
Eventually, you’ll start to feel comfortable cuddling your adorable little kitty, and your friend will relax and give you more energy.
If your cat bites while playing, there are several things you can do to keep playtime fun and prevent bites from becoming serious injuries:
- Use a safe toy instead of your hand as a toy for your cat to chase and bite.
- Try a fishing pole-type toy that allows you to control the distance between yourself and your cat so that she doesn’t get too close when she bites the toy (and you).
- If your cat tries to bite during playtime, cover her mouth and say “no biting!” in a firm voice.
- If your cat bites while grooming, stop grooming her and tell her “no biting” in a firm voice.
- If your cat bites while petting, stop petting her and tell her “no biting” in a firm voice.
- Don’t play with your cat when she is too tired or hungry to be active and playful – wait until she has rested or eaten before you start playing with her again.
- If your cat plays rough with you while playing, let her know that it hurts by saying “ouch!” in a high-pitched voice along with a firm “no!” to let her know that the behavior is unacceptable (this works well for some cats).
- Keep hands away from the face of cats who are playing roughly (this helps them learn not to bite so hard).
- Stop all play sessions as soon as your cat starts biting too hard or if he starts showing other signs of aggression (such as growling, hissing, swatting at you with claws out).
- If one of these techniques doesn’t work, try another one – your cat will eventually learn what behaviors are acceptable and which ones aren’t if you are consistent with implementing the techniques above consistently
How to Stop Your Cat From Biting While You Groom Her
If your cat bites during grooming, try the following techniques:
- Groom your cat in a room with dim lighting, turn on some relaxing music and brush or comb her while letting her know how much you enjoy grooming her by using a calm, soothing voice and praising her.
- Use a grooming glove to protect your hand from bites while you groom your cat – this also helps to bond you and your cat because she will associate grooming with positive feelings such as being stroked with the soft fabric of the glove.
- If your cat bites at the end of the grooming session, give her a treat as soon as you have finished grooming her – this will help to associate biting with something positive rather than negative (this technique also works well for dogs).
- If your cat still bites during grooming sessions, try giving her a short break before starting again (this will allow time for all arousal levels to decrease and allow you both to start off fresh).
- Groom only one small area at a time rather than trying to groom large areas all at once – this takes longer but is much less stressful for both of you (cats can become overwhelmed if they are being groomed too fast).
- Start by brushing one small area at a time and then move on to another small area until all areas are groomed – take breaks in between each section so that your cat has time to relax before being groomed again
- Make sure that you spend extra time massaging the areas that she likes best (this is usually the head and neck area) – this will help to reward her for allowing you to groom her.
- Don’t try to overstimulate your cat with grooming – if she is starting to get stressed or aroused, give her a break.
- If your cat continues to bite during grooming sessions, you may need to seek the help of a professional animal behaviourist or veterinary behaviourist who can help you both overcome these issues (behavioural modification programs can be very effective in helping cats overcome their fear of grooming).
If your cat has been biting during grooming sessions, it’s important that you take steps to modify these behaviours as soon as possible before they become too ingrained and difficult to change later on.
The longer that this behaviour persists, the more difficult it will be for both of you (cats and humans) – so please do take some time out now and make sure that your cat learns that biting during grooming is not acceptable behaviour!
Why does my cat bite me when she’s being affectionate?
Some cats will bite as a form of ‘playful’ behaviour – this is often seen when a cat is grooming another cat or playing with her favourite human. Some people may find it cute to be ‘attacked’ by a cat who appears to be trying to nibble them, but unfortunately, it’s not so cute when you’re on the receiving end of those sharp little teeth!
Biting during play can become an annoying habit if you don’t correct it early on. Cats are very sensitive animals and they need to learn that they can’t bite during play – otherwise they’ll continue to do so throughout their lives and may also begin biting in more serious situations (for example, if they’re frustrated or anxious).
So please take the time out now to show your cat that it’s not acceptable for her to nibble you when she’s being affectionate.
Why does my cat attack me at night?
Night-time can be a very scary time for cats. It’s the time when they’re most vulnerable and they need to feel safe and secure. If you’ve moved house or changed your routine, your cat may be feeling a bit anxious and this may cause her to lash out at you when she feels scared.
If you’re sure that there’s nothing to be worried about, it’s also possible that your cat is simply trying to get attention from you. Some cats will try anything to get their owners to pay attention to them – even biting!
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Why does my cat attack me when she’s angry?
Cats are very sensitive creatures and they can become stressed or anxious if things don’t go their way. This can sometimes result in them lashing out – particularly if they’re angry! Cats often bite as a way of releasing some of their frustration, but it’s also possible that they’re trying to scare you so that you’ll give them what they want (e.g. food).
If your cat has a tendency towards aggression, there are some simple steps that you can take to reduce the chances of her attacking you in future:
What does it mean when a cat bites your hand?
If your cat bites your hand, it may be her way of telling you that she’s unhappy with something that you’ve done. For example, if you’ve just finished feeding her, she may bite your hand as a way of telling you to stop.
Cat bites are usually just warning signs and they’re not usually serious – unless they become infected. If your cat has bitten you, it’s important to wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water and then apply some antiseptic cream to it.
Even if your cat doesn’t cause any serious damage when she bites, it can still be upsetting when she does so. If this is the case for you, why not consider biting back? Some people believe that if you bite a cat back (in a non-aggressive manner) then this will make them think twice about biting you again in future.
Why does my cat attack my feet?
If your cat attacks your feet or toes, there are several reasons why this might be happening:
My cat keeps attacking my feet – what should I do?
If your cat keeps attacking your feet or toes for no apparent reason then there are some steps that you can take to try and resolve the problem:

- Ensure that she has enough space in the house – Cats need plenty of space in which to move around and play – especially if they’re feeling territorial or anxious. It’s also worth considering whether there are any other pets living in the house with her as this might be causing her to feel territorial or anxious.
- Make sure that she has enough things to do – Some cats like to play with toys and some like to play fetch, while other cats love nothing more than a good game of hide-and-seek with their owners. If your cat is bored then you should try to find new ways of playing with her.
- Stop her from getting on the furniture – If your cat is attacking your feet because she wants somewhere else in which to sleep or hide away then you should stop her from getting onto the furniture and so prevent her from doing this.
- Don’t wear socks around the house – I know that it can get cold in our houses during winter but if you wear socks around the house then this might be triggering your cat’s attack instinct. Instead, consider wearing slippers instead of socks when indoors (but always wear socks when outdoors).
- Don’t walk around barefoot – if possible, wear slippers indoors instead – As well as not wearing socks around the house, you should also avoid walking around barefoot – especially if you’re in an area where your cat likes to sleep or hide away. If possible, it’s best to only go barefoot outdoors instead (but always wear shoes indoors).
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