Underfeeding a puppy is a common mistake made by new puppy owners. This can lead to your puppy becoming gassy, listless, or lethargic.
Underfeeding Your Puppy If you’re new to raising puppies, it’s always a good idea to ask for help from a vet or a local dog club.
This is because not every owner is comfortable with how much their puppy should be eating. Most puppies should eat 2-3 times their weight in puppy kibble.
If you’re underfeeding your puppy, they might not be getting enough nutrients. Try to increase their intake gradually by feeding them less and less kibble.
Read on for more information about why you should underfeed your puppy, and tips for feeding your puppy the proper way.
What is Underfeeding a Puppy?

Underfeeding is not allowing your puppy to eat enough food. This can result in a puppy that is too thin and weak, or too fat and unable to eat the amount of food required for proper development.
Puppies grow rapidly during the early stages of development. After about 6 weeks, growth slows down and puppies enter a stage known as “fancy growth”.
Fancy growth lasts a few weeks after which most puppies reach maturity and their growth slows down again.
During this period, puppies require much more food to maintain their current size and weight.
There are several reasons you should underfeed your puppy. First, underfeeding your puppy can lead to your puppy becoming too thin or too fat.
Healthy puppies should be between 10% and 20% of their adult weight at maturity. If your puppy is too thin, it might be weak and prone to illness.
If your puppy is too fat, they might be unable to eat enough food to keep them at their ideal weight.
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Why You Should Not Underfeed a Puppy?

Underfeeding a puppy is a very serious issue. It can cause your puppy to become too thin or too fat.
Too thin puppies might become weak and susceptible to illness. Too fat puppies may not be able to eat enough to maintain their ideal weight.
The normal growth rate for a puppy is about 10-15% per week. A puppy that is underfed is likely to grow more slowly, resulting in slow or stunted growth.
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Signs of Underfeeding a Puppy
Signs of underfeeding a puppy include a weak and/or emaciated appearance, a slow growth rate, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and/or a refusal to eat.
- Weak and/or emaciated appearance: This might be obvious in a severely underfed puppy, but it can also be a subtle sign in a less severely underfed puppy. A weak and/or emaciated appearance is likely to be caused by a lack of nutrients in your puppy’s diet. Your puppy might be eating enough food, but it is not providing him with the right amount of nutrients.
- Slow growth rate: A slow growth rate is usually a result of an inadequate or improper diet.
- Diarrhea or vomiting: A puppy that does not eat is likely to have loose stools or vomit.
- Weight loss: A puppy that is underfed will likely lose weight. Weight loss is a clear sign that your puppy is not getting enough nutrients in his diet.
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How to Properly Feed a Puppy
- Your puppy should have four meals a day, with each meal consisting of about 1/3 cup of food.
- Accompany your puppy’s kibble with plenty of freshwaters.
- If your puppy is eating dry kibble, moisten it first by adding some warm water.
- Clean up any food spills immediately, as this will make your puppy less comfortable as he will associate his bowl with a toilet.
- If you’re not sure if your puppy is eating enough, weigh him.
- Never feed your puppy less than their recommended weight for their age. Always weigh your puppy accurately to make sure they are eating enough.
- Never feed your puppy table scraps or give them treats, as these might confuse your puppy and make him think he is getting more than he really is.
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Can I Underfeed a Puppy?
No, you should never underfeed your puppy. If your puppy is not eating enough, he will likely be sick. If you are concerned that your puppy may be underfed, take him to the veterinarian right away.
The amount of food your puppy eats at each meal will likely change as they grow up and become more active.
If you’re not sure how much to feed your puppy, weigh them every day and adjust their intake accordingly.
Never give your puppy less than their recommended weight for their age. Always weigh them accurately to make sure they are eating enough.
How to Feed a Puppy by Hand
If you want to feed your dog by hand, here’s how:
- Make sure that there is no other food in the bowl and remove any uneaten scraps from the bowl’s surface so that it does not tempt your puppy.
- Hold your puppy’s head gently with one hand and place the food in their mouth with your other hand.
- Don’t push their nose into the bowl or make them eat too quickly, as this can cause them to choke.
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How to Train Your Puppy to Eat From a Bowl

If you want to train your dog to eat from a bowl, here’s how:
- Place your dog’s food in the bowl and put it on the floor.
- Don’t try to force them down if they don’t want to eat. Wait until they are hungry and start eating on their own before you give them any attention.
- Once they start eating on their own, praise them and give them a treat when they finish a meal or two.
- You can also give them treats throughout the day when they are behaving well and doing what you ask of them.
Does underfeeding a puppy stunt growth?
Yes, overfeeding does stunt growth. This occurs when the puppy is gaining weight faster than it can grow and putting on fat instead of muscle mass. Overfeeding also causes digestive problems which prevent the puppy from absorbing nutrients from its food.
Is it okay to feed a puppy after midnight?
Yes, it is okay to feed your puppy after midnight, but only if they are awake and have been fed within the last 4 hours.
After midnight, their stomach empties themselves and they are hungry again. If you feed them at 1:00 AM in the morning and they do not wake up until 7:00 AM, then they will be hungry again by 10:00 AM so you should feed them then.
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What is the best way to get a puppy to eat?

The best way to get your dog to eat is by putting their food down in front of them and leaving it there until it is gone.
If the food is still there after 30 minutes, then you should pick it up and feed them again in about an hour.
If you are worried about your dog’s weight, then you should weigh them once a week to see if they have gained or lost any weight. You should also check their ribs and back for signs of being overfed.
If your dog is not eating enough and losing weight, then you should feed them more often. Your vet can tell you how much to feed your dog depending on their age and weight.
Can my puppy fast for 12 hours?
No, you should never let your dog go without food for more than 8 hours. After 8 hours, their stomach will empty itself and they will be hungry again.
How do I know when my puppy is full?
If you feed your puppy a large meal and they do not finish it all within 30 minutes, then you should pick up the food and give them less the next feeding time.
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Is it normal for puppies to be skinny?
Dogs might be skinny for a variety of reasons. Some reasons are that they are growing and need more food.
Other reasons could be that they are not getting enough exercise or they have a health problem.
If your dog is skinny, then you should watch them closely for signs of illness. If you see any signs of illness, then you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.
When do puppies start eating solid food?
Most dogs start eating solid food around 4 weeks of age. You should start giving them pieces of dry dog food when they are around 4 weeks old.
Underfeeding a puppy is a serious issue. It can cause your puppy to become too thin or too fat. Too thin puppies might become weak and susceptible to illness. Too fat puppies may not be able to eat enough to maintain their ideal weight. The normal growth rate for a puppy is about 10-15% per week.
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